Founded with a passion for documenting the journey of fatherhood

With years of experience as a new dad and a commitment to sharing authentic and personal stories, DAK IS A DAD brings a fresh perspective to the world of parenting blogs.

Having served a growing community of new dads seeking guidance and camaraderie, DAK IS A DAD continues to connect with and support fathers in their exciting path of raising children.


Personal Blog

Diary-style posts sharing the challenges and joys of becoming a dad.


Transformation Journey

Follow the journey from ‘dad bod’ to ‘rad bod’ with fitness tips and progress updates.


Resource Hub

Practical guides and product recommendations for new dads navigating parenthood.

Our Vision

Empowering and inspiring new dads through shared experiences and practical advice

Our Mission

To create a supportive platform that offers resources, community, and a touch of humor to dads navigating the joys and challenges of fatherhood

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Subscribe for the latest updates, tips, and stories on fatherhood. Let’s navigate this journey together!

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